Section 1

Welcome to our new unit of work all about The Dentist! In this unit, we will learn all about what dentists do and why it's important to take care of our teeth. Did you know that dentists are doctors who specialize in taking care of our teeth? They help us keep our teeth clean and healthy. They can also fix any problems with our teeth, like cavities or crooked teeth. Let's dive in and learn more about this important profession!

  1. What do dentists specialize in?
  2. What are some things that dentists can do?
  3. Why is it important to take care of our teeth?
  4. What are some problems that dentists can fix?
  5. What will we learn in this unit about The Dentist?

Section 2

Profile of a 6-year-old

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I'm a 6-year-old girl. I want to tell you about an average day in my life. In the morning, I wake up and have a yummy breakfast with my family. Then, I put on my school uniform and go to school. At school, I learn new things, play with my friends, and have lots of fun. After school, I go home and have a delicious lunch. Sometimes, I have to go to The Dentist. It can be scary, but the dentist is nice and makes my teeth strong. In the evening, I do my homework, play with my toys, and have dinner with my family. Before bedtime, I brush my teeth and listen to a bedtime story. I love my life!

  1. What does Sarah do in the morning?
  2. Where does Sarah go after she puts on her school uniform?
  3. What does Sarah do at The Dentist?
  4. What does Sarah do in the evening?
  5. What does Sarah do before bedtime?

Section 3

Today, in our exciting news report, we bring you the latest on "The Dentist"! Our friendly reporter, Sally, visited the dental clinic to learn all about taking care of our teeth. Dr. Smile shared some important tips: brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and visit the dentist regularly. Sally even got to see a dental check-up and saw how the dentist helps keep our teeth healthy and strong. Remember, kids, taking care of our teeth is super important!

  1. What is another word for dentist?
  2. What do we use to clean our teeth?
  3. What should we do to keep our teeth healthy?
  4. What did Sally learn about at the dental clinic?
  5. Why is taking care of our teeth important?

Section 4

In a small town in Ireland, an unusual event took place at the local dentist's office. Dr. O'Sullivan, a well-known dentist, decided to offer free dental check-ups to all the children in the community. This initiative aimed to promote good oral hygiene and raise awareness about dental health. The event was a huge success, with over 100 children attending the check-ups. Many parents praised Dr. O'Sullivan's efforts in making dental care accessible to all children.

  1. Who organized the free dental check-ups?
  2. Why did Dr. O'Sullivan offer the check-ups?
  3. How many children attended the check-ups?
  4. What did the parents think about Dr. O'Sullivan's initiative?
  5. What was the purpose of the event?